CEEOR, s.r.o. - CEEOR
We are an established market intelligence provider for pharmaceutical and healthcare industry since 2006. From 2015 to 2019 CEEOR was part of Kantar Health and then acquired back by its owners. In addition, we provide customized marketing and software solutions. CEEOR has been headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic with affiliates and business activities in other European countries. In helping cl
Koho hledáme?
Do našeho našeho menšího, pohodového a stabilního týmu hledáme PHP DEVELOPERA s minimálně 4 letou zkušeností v programování php. Frameworky které používáme: Symphony, Laravel, Nette, UVE a náš custom framework. Znalost AJ na komunikativní úrovni
Jaké jsou u nás benefity?
- HO dle domluvy
- 5 týdnů dovolené
- možnost práce na HPP nebo ŽL
- vzdělávání a akce pro zaměstnance
- super tým
CEEOR, s.r.o.
We are an established market intelligence provider for pharmaceutical and healthcare industry since 2006. From 2015 to 2019 CEEOR was part of Kantar Health and then acquired back by its owners. In addition, we provide customized marketing and software solutions. CEEOR has been headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic with affiliates and business activities in other European countries. In helping cl