UK startup looks for a Junior RoR dev keen to learn

Hi! We are a British startup automating the online negotiation of contracts. We've got great names among our clients, and we are ready to scale up. Will you be part of that process?

  • Junior
  • Medior
  • Freelancer
  • HPP
  • Plný úvazek
  • Částečný úvazek
50 000 Kč / měsíc nebo si řekni o víc
  • Avvoka
  • Praha 6 - Petřiny, hybrid

Popis pozice

What do we stand for:

  • What you know now, is nothing compared to what you can know in 5 years. We always value the ability to learn. Curious people who enjoy the ride of continuous learning are always welcome in our team.
  • Egos don't belong in project management. We don't need to brag and compete with each other. We are on the same side, our goal is to develop a meaningful tool that is already being used worldwide. There is no place for hurt egos in here.
  • Remote is a new way but nothing beats personal contact. We've got a nice office in Prague 6 very close to Petřiny metro station and we love meeting each other there. Nevertheless, we won't insist on you going there every day, especially if you've got any reason not to go. As long as you deliver what you've promised, you are the master of your own time.

We offer a starting salary between CZK 35 and 50k a month, with fast growth and regular bonuses based on your results and ability to cooperate with the team.

Our project is a long-term ride, we need people who will stick with us for as long as possible.

Once you're in, we will do everything we can to make your stay here as pleasant as possible. You will have the support of experienced senior developers.

On top of that, you will have an opportunity to visit London with us from time to time. (Yay! Business trips!)

We don't mind if you've got no experience with Ruby but we will need you to be able to learn it so please, be prepared. In exchange, we promise to be here for you when you have questions or struggle with anything.


What do we need from you?

  • very strong logical and analytical thinking,
  • ability to take in the purpose and architecture of the solution,
  • honest and respectful communication with your colleagues,
  • tips for British comedy series we haven't seen (not necessarily part of the application process but it would give you extra points).


If you are interested, send us your CV and a couple of sentences about you and the way that lead you to SW development.

We are looking forward to reading it, and possibly setting up a zoom call with you.

Zkušenosti Co požadujeme

  • Úroveň:
    Junior Medior
  • Praxe:
    1 rok


Python developer Ruby on Rails developer

Základní dovednosti

Ruby Ruby on Rails Python Django


Česky – domluvit se Anglicky – domluvit se

Práce u nás Co nabízíme

Jaké jsou benefity

Pracovní smlouva, Freelance

Homeoffice, Pružná pracovní doba, Hybrid

Přátelské prostředí

Skvělý tým profesionálů

Stabilní firma

Finanční bonusy

Informace o pozici

Mzda 40 000 - 50 000 Kč / měsíc
Typ odměny Odměna/Mzda Podíl
Typ práce nebo projektu Moderní technologie Inovační projekty
Typ smlouvy Interní pozice (HPP a další) Freelancer
Typ pracovního úvazku Plný úvazek Částečný úvazek
Typ firmy Střední
Místo pracoviště Praha 6 - Petřiny, hybrid